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Mercay Island Treasure


Hope Never Dies
By the dock in the main town on the island, if you go to the left side of town past the shop, there is a medium water space at the coast, between you and a platform/hill. There are stairs, and a chest on top. How do you get to that chest?

(I have not found anything to grapple to, or anything to use the bow on...)
Pick up one of the cuccos around town and go to the ledge directly adjacent to the platform. With the cucco in hand, jump across the water to the platform. The chest contains a helmaroc Plume for your effort and frustration :D.
Pick up one of the cuccos around town and go to the ledge directly adjacent to the platform. With the cucco in hand, jump across the water to the platform. The chest contains a helmaroc Plume for your effort and frustration :D.

Thanks...I got Goron Amber instead... I KNEW there was a use for those things other than hitting them with my sword sadistically, just to have them charge at me...;)

Now to find a use for seagulls other than blowing them out of the sky with the cannon. ^_~