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Review Metroid Prime Hunters


This is the Metroid game for the DS

Sound/Audio - 7/10: The sound is very nice for this game. The classic sounds are there, and it's nice to hear your Powerbeam through the DS speakers. Each different hunters "affinity" weapon makes a different sound, so they each sound powerful. My only gripe is the announcer voice. Whoever did the voice for it must have had a disease in his throat, because it is very hard to understand what he is saying.

Video - 9/10: The visuals for this game are very well done. The cinematic visuals are GC quality, which is very nice to see. The actual gameplay graphics aren't very bad either, and there are a suprising number of "smooth" objects. Course there's still the ocassional polygon sticking out. The one thing that hurt this was that ocassionally, parts of the land texture would be replaced by another texture (A brown mountain would all of a sudden become a lava mountain, then go back to brown)

Gameplay - 10/10: This game is suprisingly easy to control on the DS. You aim with the stylus, move with the control pad, and shoot with the L button. Of course if you are a lefty you can switch that. The story mode is long, and it has 2 different endings so you really have to look for every item. One of the bad things is that the bosses aren't very clever. There are 2 bosses really, (not including the final boss or the hunters) and they just get reused for each area, and are only slightly tweaked to be tougher. But this quickly gets fixed by the next item, which is multiplayer. You can play this game through the DS Download, Multi-Card, or the best, Wi-Fi. It is very fun to get a headshot on a friend who is sitting next to you. Versac would know what it's like to receive that headshot many times from me. The one problem with online play, is that almost every game has a hacker in it.

Extras - 8/10: The only real extras for this game are the movie viewer, and the records, which just displays how long it took you to beat the game, the final boss, and how many enemies you have killed.

Overall - 9/10: Get this game. It is a very good game for the DS, and is great for long rides (provided you're not the one driving) It's fun to be able to play with or against friends through the internet or across the room. The game is easy to pick up, yet hard to put down. You will find yourself using all 7 hunters in multi-player mode to find out which best suits you. This is a must-buy
Online play is always a great extra, and yes, it is extra because it's not the actual game itself. :p Great review :)