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Review Mortal Kombat (Xbox 360)


Hey ya'll. Remember me? I honestly don't know if anyone hope on anymore, but figured I'd do a review since I stopped by

-9/10 : The gameplay of Mortal Kombat is pretty standard. You can only move left or right, you have four buttons to attack, one button dedicated to blocking, another to throws, and another to swap out your partner in certain situations. This MK goes for the "old-school" feel, and I like it. I grew up playing the original Mortal Kombats on my friends SNES, so going back to 2-D fighting was a big plus for me. Every character feels unique, and they all have an equal chance of winning. As a match progresses, a little meter builds up to 3 levels. You can use this meter however you like. You can use either 1 part of it to improve one of your special attacks, 2 parts of it to use a breaker (a move that completely stops an opponents combo) or bank all 3 parts for a visually delightful x-ray attack. There's also a tag-team mode where instead of a 1-on-1 fight, it becomes a 2-on-2. There is also online play, with ranked ladders and king-of-the-hill style fights, where one person keeps fighting other people until they lose.

Sound- 7/10 : The sound of MK is so nostalgic for me. Hearing Scorpion yell "Get over here!" really took me back. The voice-acting for each character is very nice, and the attacks all sound great. Only problem is, besides voices and attacks, there's not really much sound at all. Barely any background music, even on the menus, and barely any in the stages.

Graphics- 9/10: Mortal Kombat looks amazing. Every character is very detailed, and as they take damage, their bodies begin to show visible damage. From torn clothing to exposed muscle, the game shines with...well blood. The blood is a hit or miss really. The game was developed with the Unreal Engine, so if you've played a game made with that engine anytime this millennium, then you know how shiny the blood looks. Each character has at least 1 alternate costume, whether it's a costume they wear in the story mode, or a costume that goes back to an old-school look for the character. It's pretty awesome to see MK1 versions of Scorpion and Sub Zero go at it.

Control- 8/10 : The controls for the game are solid. Not really much to be said about them. My one gripe is that I have a 360, so playing a 2D fighting game with an analog stick can get very annoying, and the d-pad is awkward to try to play with.

Extras- 10/10 : Holy crap does this game has extras. As you play, you'll acquire Koins (See what they did there?) that you can spend to unlock various items such as alternate costumes, development art, secret fatalities, etc. The biggest thing is the DLC of secret characters. So far 4 have been announced , and 3 of them have been released, with the 4th being released in early August.

Overall- 9/10: I've barely stopped playing this game since I got it. The game has a very well written story mode that lasts a good 6-7 hours, which is rare of a fighting game. It's fun to have a friend over, and to perform the various fatalities, just to see what crazy ways the developers have come up with to kill someone. If you're into fighting games, and you're a fan of the Mortal Kombat series, I recommend you pick it up.

Also, this is a HUGE leap from the last game of the series. Check out one of my old review of Armageddon to see what I mean