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MP3:C help thread *spoilers*


If you had a help request on the other thread, it was deleted. Restate it here if you still need help.

Before I continue, I must say that the best thing to do is to try and get past the difficulties on your own. It's more fun if you don't have help.

These quick tips can get you through most situations.

1) SCAN EVERYTHING. If it is red, it is very important.

2) Check for Morph Ball tunnels. If you can see a tunnel but can't see how to get to it, follow the tunnel back to an endpoint. This sometimes also goes with...

3) Grab ledges can give you an extra boost. This doesn't come up very often, but a grab ledge can directly lead into a raised morph ball tunnel.

4) If all else fails, use the command visor. Your ship has a few tools you don't, and can solve otherwise unsolvable puzzles.
I'm pretty sure I thought of everything but now I really don't know what to do. I went to Bryyo and got the ability to screw attack. And then the ship valhalla became available to go to. So I went there and I needed another energy cell that I think you find in norion but I couldn't figure out where to get that. So then I went back to skytown to find the federation landing site. I was able to climb up a wall with a screw attack and took the tram to eastern skytown but I couldn't figure out what to do there. I did see a missile expansion I couldn't get to but other then that it's hard for me to describe the room. There was this orange thing that when I went near it it hurt me. There was something above that that if I attacked simultaneously would probably deactivate the orange thing.

So, anyone have any idea on what I should do?
I'm pretty sure I thought of everything but now I really don't know what to do. I went to Bryyo and got the ability to screw attack. And then the ship valhalla became available to go to. So I went there and I needed another energy cell that I think you find in norion but I couldn't figure out where to get that. So then I went back to skytown to find the federation landing site. I was able to climb up a wall with a screw attack and took the tram to eastern skytown but I couldn't figure out what to do there. I did see a missile expansion I couldn't get to but other then that it's hard for me to describe the room. There was this orange thing that when I went near it it hurt me. There was something above that that if I attacked simultaneously would probably deactivate the orange thing.

So, anyone have any idea on what I should do?
I was stuck there for a really long time. There's a gate in one of the tunnels on the side of the room that has the giant nuclear thing (the thing with the locks you were talking about) in the center. It's really hard to find because the tunnels look the same.

If you already found the gate, just follow one of the paths that lead away from the orange thing, there's three I think, one of them (not the one you came from) has a door.
Well, I was able to find a path out of the room with the orange nuclear thing in it. That lead me to this hologram thing. I tried calling my ship but it didn't have to upgrades... Then I moved on and eventually found a room with this huge thing in the middle of it and then two strings connecting it and the wall. When I shot them and they broke loose nothing happened. Then I moved on from that room and eventually came to a landing site but it wasn't the one I had to go to in my objectives -_-
Well, I was able to find a path out of the room with the orange nuclear thing in it. That lead me to this hologram thing. I tried calling my ship but it didn't have to upgrades... Then I moved on and eventually found a room with this huge thing in the middle of it and then two strings connecting it and the wall. When I shot them and they broke loose nothing happened. Then I moved on from that room and eventually came to a landing site but it wasn't the one I had to go to in my objectives -_-
No, there's only one landing site there, and it's the objective. You're in the right place, and scan the thing you detached from the wall, either something happened or you need to shoot more cables.
Ohh... I figured it out. I didn't see the ship upgrade thingy. Well now I have to assemble a bomb :D

Thanks yoyoll