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Music Game Wars


Sage in Training
This is really a great article.

So yesterday I pre-ordered Rock Band for the Wii and so I've decided to look up a lot of stuff about it. It really looks like a fun game all around but getting to the point... I came across that article and discovered that there are three big name music genre titles coming out this holiday season. Rock Revolution (from Konami), Rock Band 2 (from MTV games but I don't believe it's official yet), and Guitar Hero World Tour. Rock Revolution is going to be the cheapest of all of the three, so it will obviously not be aiming to be the top game out of the music genre.

(Rock Revolution's drums)

Guitar Hero World Tour is going to add drums and a microphone to the action, making their game very similar to Rock Band. The drums will have a very different style compared to the Rock Band drums. It will have 3 pads on the lower portion of the set-up and will have 2 "cymbals" on the top portion of the symbols.

(Guitar Hero's drum pad)

In addition, it will allow players to create songs with their instruments and share them online. The guitar hero creators believe this might cause copyright issues if they were to allow the microphone to be used in music making. It is possible that "Rock Band 2" might include this feature, including the vocals in addition to more songs, etc. So this year will most likely show to be a very important year for the music genre so we'll just have to wait and see how it unfolds.

Also, just a question for y'all, does anyone know if Rock Band has a 4 roles to play as? Lead guitar, bass guitar, drums, and microphone or is it just lead guitar, drums, and microphone?
Bah. I'm really tired of the whole genre.

Yes, its fun to play; but really only with friends. And it gets old and ruins parties. I'll not be buying any.