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New Brawl Info

Is this thread about the SSB games in general, or just Brawl? Just to make sure we're on-topic.
Meh. CQC won't be his strong suit. I doubt he'll have any chance of rivaling any swordsman in standard combat.
As I said earlier, his meele moves will probably be somewhat lackluster. He won't be able to hold a candle to the swordsmen with physical blows, but his special attacks (B moves) ought to be fairly interesting to say the least.
Good movies, the recent news flash that Fox will be returning was kinda obvious though... ah well. The extended footage of the new characters was well worth the wait.
Yeah but in order to keep people interested in the game Nintendo will continue to trickle out information... useless or useful
Meh. Nintendo set the Brawl launch date horribly far from now to avoid it being delayed, but you'd think they could release a little more information every once in a while. Almost a year now with only two movies :(.
Yep. Of course, that means that Mute City is gone. Two racing stages in the bisecting layout would be redundant. Actually, I never really liked Mute City anyway.
Colonel: Snake, Sorry to bother you, but I have big news!

Snake: What? Not another absurd objective I hope...

Colonel: Are you familiar with Super Smash Bros.?

Snake: Ah... That Nintendo thing...

Colonel: Yes. Actually, we've received an invitation for you to join. Are you up for it?

Snake: .....

Colonel: Where are you right now anyway?

Snake: *Shows Snake under SSB crate* I'm on reconnaissance duty.

Colonel: Reconnaissance?! Of what kind?!

Snake: Knowing your enemy is the qwuickest path to victory. *Snake pops out* SHOW TIME!!!
Ok, you're both partially right. It's a previously never-before seen cardboard box from SSB. Or it's Snake's good 'ol box with a new paint job. Pick which one you like more.