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New Halo 3 Trailer teaser


its a teaser and he is looking at a replica of the battle...


New AS of today (9/12/07)and this is not the finished product.

ANother new trailer of a new commercial (9/13/07)


This sparks new comments such as does he die in the final fight?

or "When he armed his grenade" -from the last trailer making it a climax of the fight.

I dont want him to die in this last Halo though. Hopefully its just a trap.....Bungie loves to make these videos hypeing us up.

Final product-http://gameroom.mlgpro.com/view/1VYXqxeHBZU.html
Okay, Halo 3 will most likely get at least these three awards:
  • Most anticipated
  • Game of the Year
  • Most over rated game of the year
Those are my predictions.

The trailers wer interesting, though.