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New Pokémon Games Are Underway!

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OK... Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver were announced in a magazine in Japan called CoroCoro. Now I expected another Sinnoh Region Game... But they went AAAAAAALLLLLLL the way back and decided to redo they're 1999/2000 (I forget xD) Pokémon hits. I was pretty surprised, too. And they added some new features... One possibilty could be that your starter Pokémon (Cyndiquil, Chikorita, Totodile. My spelling sux xD), follows you around (MAYBE!). And then theres the bottom screen... Where the PokéPhone thingy I think... I don't know... But this might be a good chance to keep going to Poké Beach to keep up on the updates... Because I know Nintendo® will eventualy let you pre-order and you'll get something with it... Ti'll next time,
Yondaime Hokage! (The 4TH)

For more info on Pokémon... Visit Poké Beach Dot Com.
Out of all your spelling and grammar mistakes, the apostrophe on the "till" hurt me the most.
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