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nightfire challege


In multiplayer u must kill nick nak by punching him make sure he is at full health by you and him only playing. don't harm him any other way u must kill him by punching him. It's HARD

My friend and I did something like that, although we did sniping. That was also hard.
Dakare said:
My friend and I did something like that, although we did sniping. That was also hard.
Heh, I remember that I was with you guys. Nick Nack is just so short soooo short and fast. For some reason even when you are Nick Nack you still need to crouch to kill Nick Nack;) .
DSage said:
yup , i did it i killed nick nack

Nick Nack can be a noughty little buger yes he can. Being short gives him super human abilitys, like.......below the whaste shots (yeah that's not spelled right :p )
HAH you cant think of nuthin better to do than give us petty challenges DSage??? I thought u could Pwn Dakarae in Halo so why waste your time on this when you could be humilliating him??