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North Korea Nuclear Test 2/12/13

I'm writing my thesis on the plausibility of DPRK and ROK reunification...this is yet another wrench in my theory!

Honestly, this is going to be a real test of China's new leadership. I say this because there are very few sanctions left that the UN can impose..and the options are drastic (cut NK off from oil). If such sanctions are handed down, China's willingness to comply will be a big indicator of how much longer the regime can last. To China, the last thing they want is regional instability.

Well, all this, and Kim Jong-un seems to lack the ability to properly cooperate with the world. That's not to say his father or grandfather was any better, but rather they seemed to know that it's a lot smarter to space apart your international insanity.
Honestly, I'm surprised that U.S. forces haven't acted, or at least the South Koreans. It will be interesting to see what happens, but I really doubt China will want to do anything to sanction NK more than they already have...sadly. I'm just happy I'm here stateside instead of over there facing the threat of a crazy dictator.
China has publicly denounced the act, but does not want any further destabilization in the region, so they would be on-edge regarding any possible joint operation between the United States, South Korea, and Japan (Their being in the region and their relationship with the United States unfortunately drags them into this).

But the United Nations has yet to prepare an adequate response other than unanimously condemning North Korea, so we'll have to see if anything develops.
I have not read too many articles about any of the North Korea affairs here lately, although I do have a friend currently stationed in South Korea. He says it's pretty common knowledge there that whenever North Korea does something like this, it's an attempt to get more foreign aid (read: food). Now, it seems most of this joking is coming from his higher-ups, and they have been there longer, possibly from before Kim Jong-un came into power. So who knows if with the change in leadership, there could be a major shift in motivation.
So, what do you all think of this recent ending the armistice agreement? I feel like NK is full of hot air. I doubt they would attack anyone seeing as they may be obliterated.
They are really STUPID! The US and South Korea can wipe them out! They must be doing it to get food aid or for Kim Jong Un to prove himself or something like that. The fastest way for North Korea to end is when the leadership decides to declare war on everyone.
Well, today NK has stopped South Koreans from going to the mutual economic zone at Keasong:
NPR Source

Honestly, that's a little ridiculous. Granted, this is not the first time North Korea has done this (back in 2009 they closed the border for three days following the second nuclear test). I guess only time will tell whether or not they are actually serious. I would hope not, seeing as this joint economic venture is one of the only things keeping the country afloat...