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"Not another one of those absurd objectives I hope..."

That's only the Tabuu WINGED trophy. If you want the Tabuu trophy, or any OTHER boss trophy, you have to get them down to piddling health in the SSE (fight again), and use a trophy stand on them...-_-

That's how I just got the Tabuu trophy...=)
Can you do that with every boss?
Can you do that with every boss?
You not just can, you HAVE to in order to get their trophies. You have to get their meter down to almost nothing, then dodge their attacks while not hitting them yourself, wait for a Trophy Stand to appear, then hit them with it, and pick it up when done... I have Tabuu and Rayquaza... IT IS TEDIOUS...;_;
Trophy stands just appear when you're fighting a boss?
They're ridiculously rare...>_>

I've now fought the Duon guy 7 times, and not one has shown up...>_>

EDIT: JUBILATIONS! It turns out I found another Golden Hammer after unlocking the 500 KOs objective. =) So I guess I only had 4... Or there's a secret sixth one...@_o
I just spent some time, and I got the Galleom, Rayquaza, and (with assistance from Ultima) Tabuu trophies. Up next: Porky and Petey Pihrana.
...you can't crack any of the Boss Battle mode cases open...wtf!? AGH! I need to beat BBM on intense...this is going to be cruel and brutal.

Why must the Japanese have so much time! From the looks of it, it's more so patience than anything else. The real idea is learning when to dodge...and when to use Falco's left or right smash attack. There were some things I never even knew you could do to the bosses in there :D.
I did some research, and found some easier ways to get the boss trophies.

First: Trophy Stands appear more likely on harder difficulties. Go figure.

Second: GET THE BIG BOSS STICKER! It helps A TON! It increases the chance of a trophy stand dropping by 30, which is the highest I believe.

So far I have Porky, Petey, Rayquaza, Ridley (Regular), and that tank guy when he's in the humanoid form. Just gotta get Tabuu, Meta Ridley, and Duon
I did some research, and found some easier ways to get the boss trophies.

First: Trophy Stands appear more likely on harder difficulties. Go figure.

Second: GET THE BIG BOSS STICKER! It helps A TON! It increases the chance of a trophy stand dropping by 30, which is the highest I believe.

So far I have Porky, Petey, Rayquaza, Ridley (Regular), and that tank guy when he's in the humanoid form. Just gotta get Tabuu, Meta Ridley, and Duon
Yeah... ya could've told me that earlier... I put 4 big boss ones (all I have) on Pit...>_> It works BRILLIANTLY though...=)

I just need Petey and the Ridleys... yay...
You're lucky that you have 4 Big Boss. I only have 1 :(. And the hardest one I think to get is Meta Ridley, since you only have 2 minutes. You can't wait for a trophy stand to drop. Just wish you could skip right to the boss instead of having to go through the actual stage.
Still if you get a good partner that knows how to play their character, then you have a much better chance of completing it