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Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

I'm still personally up in the air about it. The committee gave it to him to encourage the peace talks/programs that he is working on, and I sorta agree that that's good to do. But on the other hand he hasn't done anything yet.

Of course with everyone bashing him for getting the prize, it sort of defeats the purpose of encouragement, doesn't it?
yeah dakare i agree completely about "with everyone bashing him for getting the prize, it sort of defeats the purpose of encouragement". and i also agree that he didnt do anything so far to get it.
I really don't have a huge opinion on this. I'll put it quite simply:
I think it's really kind of silly that he received a peace prize for something that hasn't taken place yet. I guess that's debatable, depending on what you consider to have taken place. It really surprised me when I found out he won.
I do like what Obama has been doing towards peace, and I wouldn't be upset with him winning it otherwise, but I don't think politics should be involved in the Nobel prizes. It's despicable.

Who do you think should've won then, teddy?
I do like what Obama has been doing towards peace, and I wouldn't be upset with him winning it otherwise, but I don't think politics should be involved in the Nobel prizes. It's despicable.

Who do you think should've won then, teddy?

I don't know who should have won.. Someone who did something towards peace?
From what I can tell, the Nobel comission decided on putting the Prize towards continuing nuclear disarmament in Iran (and the world at large), with Obama personally as the one spearheading those efforts. Sure, his public image certainly factored into it, but I think the nominal reason can stand on its own merit. Remember, people - the Peace Prize isn't a lifetime achievement like Literature and doesn't have to stand the test of time like Physics and Chemistry. It's closer to the Prize in Medicine, where it specifically goes to stuff done in the past year. The way I see it, nuclear disarmament is definitely a worthy cause, and picking Obama as its head makes sense. Were there other possible candidates? Sure, and you could even make the argument that some were better - but Obama does meet the specified criteria.