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Old-School PC Games

Does anyone else miss the original oregon trail? Also games like Lemmings, Caesar III (This game is still AMAZING), this one castle game that used to run on my school's macs (I forgot the name, sorry).

Name some old PC games that you still play or miss playing. Tell us why they are still good and why you love them.
Oh lord. I love OT! I still play it! haha. And was the castle game called Chiller or something? Because I think I have that. How about Zoombinis? Did any of you play that? That was the best game! I still play that one too!
I have Caeser III but it doesnt work on my PC. When it did though, I couldnt put out fires..., I didnt know how lol. My entire civilization burned down over and over lol. Another game I have thats really really old school is Thorins Quest. I liked it because it is challenging and you must know the ways of gaming. There werent any cheats out when it was working on my PC soo....
i am a teddy said:
I have Caeser III but it doesnt work on my PC. When it did though, I couldnt put out fires..., I didnt know how lol. My entire civilization burned down over and over lol. Another game I have thats really really old school is Thorins Quest. I liked it because it is challenging and you must know the ways of gaming. There werent any cheats out when it was working on my PC soo....

In order to put out fires in C3 you had to build prefectures. The guards walking around your city would put them out for you if they were close enough. Prefects would walk by areas making them less likely to catch fire for a while.
Link Æwondåslåmon said:
How can you guys talk about old school PC games and not include the original Prince of Persia to the conversation? That's blasphemy!:p
I agree, I was waiting for someone to say this before I cam in ;) . You should all be ashamed. The original PoP still sits in an old computer of mine today. I was introduced myself when my mother decided to put the game on her work computer (obviously many years ago). I could never go beyond level three, although I still had great fun ).