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OOT: Dark Link

Capt. Zeroth

Heeeelp me! I'm fighting Dark [Link] in the Water Temple and I'm having some trouble. Its nearly impossible to hit him, is there an easier way? I tried using the megaton hammer, but he just back-flips out of the way. I tried using my giant's knife, but he broke it by standing on it! It broke in half! D: I've heard something about Din's Fire, but what is that, and how do I get it?

[EDIT] How many times does he respawn?

[EDIT2] Never mind, I beat him. :) ... -.- But I don't think 20 rupees makes up for a 200 rupee sword...
No, it breaks after 100 slashes. That's why you don't waste the 200 ruppees and just get the biggoron's sword.

But yeah, Din's Fire works really well against him.
Alright, the way I beat Dark Link was I filled my magic bar to max (there are Magic Pots outside of the room) then entered. After the battle started I just kept using Din's Fire until my magic bar emptied once, then I used the Megaton Hammer to smash him. That worked for me.

Another way is to use sword slices, but don't L-Target him. It works but it's a bit harder.