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Phantom Hourglass Bow and Arrow Contest


Subtle as a Ninja Pirate!
Hey Everyone, I was just playing at the Bow and Arrow Shooting Contest on Molida Island, and I got EXACLTY 2000 points, thus making me the owner of my 15th Heart Container.

So ... who else hated this contest, and who has beaten it yet?
Hey Everyone, I was just playing at the Bow and Arrow Shooting Contest on Molida Island, and I got EXACLTY 2000 points, thus making me the owner of my 15th Heart Container.

So ... who else hated this contest, and who has beaten it yet?

I hate this game with a passion...-_-

EDIT: Hey, whaddya know? 1,500 posts!
I truelly hated it. With a firey passion. Twas evil. I never beat it, but I will once I get my game back form a person on this site....
It is the most evil thing that the Zelda Developers have done since Tingle!

Oh, and just a tip for those trying to beat it: Let the targets come into the center of the screen before picking them off. It is so much easier to do with this method.

And now ... time to find the Neptoona (or whatever it is)!
It is the most evil thing that the Zelda Developers have done since Tingle!

Oh, and just a tip for those trying to beat it: Let the targets come into the center of the screen before picking them off. It is so much easier to do with this method.

And now ... time to find the Neptoona (or whatever it is)!
That's how I got YOU the quiver earlier...anyway, I just got my highest, 1850, and got the quiver for myself...

Now for the d***ed Heart Container...-_-

HOLY S*** I ACTUALLY DID IT! With one second I got the last target and 2000 points on the dot. Also, an accurate description of the game may be found here:


Cost: 20 Rupees, and perhaps your sanity too.

Score 2000 or more points: The Heart Container, some random Ship part, and the satisfaction of never having to play this again.
It was a cruel and unusual test of skill. It's funny, the only way I was able to get the heart container was to hit targets that did not reveal whether or not they were ghosts yet. It's really difficult to hit, and if you hit the wrong one you're in trouble. However, I was able to score 2300 with that ;).

...of course it was far less agitating than Wind Waker's battleship game. I'm just not all that great at Battleship.
God i can't do this one! Personally, I'll take the battleship one over this one ANY DAY! Agh I hate it since it's tough to line up the targets properly, and when they start coming faster, you have to be dead accurate and fast. Then again it could be my screen. My bottom screen has a HUGE circle in the middle of scratches from playing MP:H so much. Haha so my stylus gets stuck in the grooves and makes it harder to aim properly