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Review Phantom Hourglass Review (spoiler alert!)


Sorry if this doesn't fit the guideline. ^^;

So we have a new game out for the Legend of Zelda series... the Phantom Hourglass. When I picked it up, I knew I was going to be amazed with the controls. Boomerang, Bombs, and the whole sort is still in this game.

In the beginning of the game, you wake up on Mercay Island. Ciela, a fairy whom lost her memories, follows you on your quest. Linebeck, the salty-sailor you've seen in the official artwork, is trapped in the beginning portion of the Temple of the Ocean King and it was up to you to save him. You later join with hi onto sailing through the Great Sea and gathering up three fairies in the beginning parts of the game.

After Collecting all of the fairies and gathering up sand for the Phantom Hourglass, you now have to search for three pure metals to forger a sword to defeat Bellum, the main boss of the game. You go through three more bosses, get the sword, and go back to the Temple of the Ocean King.

Bellum was a hard boss I have to say. For a DS game, bosses were extremely hard at parts, like Gleerok, Bellum, and the Temple of Courage boss.

After defeating Bellum, while dying about twice through the three part battle, I was watching the end of the game, just before the credits.

"Well... Linebeck. I'm a man of my word... and for helping Link, you do get your wish... What would it be?" The Ocean King said.

Linebeck paused for a second and looked to his side. "..Can you bring back my ship... The one that sank?"

What no treasure Linebeck? I though he wanted treasure!

"Treasure means nothing to me now." He paused.

"The Ghost ship will no longer plague your world Link. Please now... Go back to your world... While I go back to mine..." The Ocean King spoke.

Celia, Leaf, and the others leave while the whole world around Link is covered in a thick fog.

Link and Tetra wake up on the Ghost Ship after the credits. The pirates come and Tetra and Link jump onto the boat, realizing Linebeck completely disappeared. The pirates claim it was only 10 mins that they had been on the ship. Woah. Ten minutes?! Swore it was a few days.

Link and Tetra think its a dream before Link pulls out the Phantom Hourglass, realizing it was not a dream. And when he rushes to the other side of the boat, his face is full of joy as he sees not far away...

Linebeck's Ship....

Ok. Rating time!

Gameplay: 10/10

Using the DS to its fullest was a grand idea. Puzzles were more difficult and required you to use your head more than any other Zelda... in my opinion. Tap a monster to attack, tap to throw a pot, tap to jump onto something. Almost anything could happen!

Story: 9/10

Although it lacks in parts, like the Ocean King keeping his identity secret for nearly half of the game, Ciela recovering her memories AT the end of the game during a fight with Bellum, and some other minor parts, the game was fun.

It finally completed everyone's part near the end of the game, Linebeck finally being brave and nice, Link and Ciela having feelings for one another, and other misc. things.

Sound: 10/10

Put it on Surround and at full blast and damn! Makes it feel like you are playing it on the TV! Great sound for everything, nothing too quiet.

Replayable? 10/10

Sure. You've beaten it, but there's still things to get, like a few Heart Containers, Ship Parts, and other things.

Overall: 9.5/10

A must get for all Zelda fans. Even if you don't like the cell-shading, you have to try it out.
I agree that it's a good review for your first one (is it?) but Bob does the reviews for the Zelda games so this is kinda irreverent...
I agree that it's a good review for your first one (is it?) but Bob does the reviews for the Zelda games so this is kinda irreverent...
Actually, Bob has stated that he does not mind other reviews of the Zelda Games, but the one he puts on the site is the official review.

Nice Review Redemption.