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Phantom Hourglass


Sage in Training
I probably should beat TP first but I'm really excited about this game. I don't know to much about it but since you guys would be the ones that know do you know when it will be coming out or any other info on it?
Not very much is known, what you see on the game page is about it. Nintendo is keeping very hush, as they did with Minish Cap.
Ya I was JUST reading about that...
wikipedia claims that TP is decades after OoT and Before WW, PH is supposed to take place after WW
I can confirm that it is a direct sequel, but I hunger for a Zelda game for the DS. Why can't it come out sooner! Ah well, it's just like TP. The longer they take, the better the game.
TP just came out, and if they released it now, many a Zelda Fan would die of Heart Attacks.
Er... whatever you guys say. I heard a large majority of PH controls is with the touch screen. Talk about awkward
Lol... then maybe I should by a new stylus :D
The trailer looks like you're looking at link from above so maybe you touch the screen and it walks to where you point
Yeah, and he has a map or something that when he draws on, it creates ... something. Anyway, for the Stylus, I got a metal one when I lost both of my originals.
I really don't mind the controls, I just need a good game for the DS. I'm running out over here! I suppose I could get MC, but for some reason I feel no need to play it whatsoever.
If you can't wait for PH there are plenty other good DS games that just came out:
Castlevania: PoR
Yoshi Island DS
Final Fantasy III
Might get MC, but I think FFIII is worthier. (MC has been out for a ... year? FFIII just got to the States after more than a decade of travelling)
I'll get both, how about that.

I think I know how the boomerang works! Spoiler in case noone wants to hear what I think
I believe that once selected, you create a path using the Stylus, allowing you to create it's path, hitting whatever you want to hit, without any trouble, and once it finishes your projected path, it returns to you.
Most of the old items would have rather intuitive controls, and would translate easily. And yes, I am aware of the good new games coming out. I just wish they came out before I blew my money on my Wii :(... but then I wouldn't have a Wii.... I can't choose between the two.
Get the Wii, then put these either on your christmas list, or the must buy when I get the money list. *just my opinion*