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Phantom of the Opera


Conspiracy Theorist
I just saw this on Broadway and I must say that despite my pessimistic attitude towards Andrew Lloyd Webber, I found the musical absolutely amazing.

However, being a huge Pink Floyd fan, I found it hard to get over this:

Now don't get me wrong, I loved Phantom of the Opera and I loved that song and especially the beginning scene with the chandelier, but I find this rather shameless.

Doing more research, I also found out that Webber was accused of using rhythms from Jesus Christ Superstar's "I Don't Know How to Love Him" and parts from Ray Repp, Louis Andriessen, and Puccini.


While I felt that Phantom was an amazing musical and I genuinely enjoyed it, it disgusted me to see how much of a shameless despicable "artist" Webber is to even think about using someone else's work and calling it his own.

And if you don't believe me because I know many here are, for some reason, blindly devoted to Webber, just do a simple google search on the subject. Webber. Is. Disgusting.
Yeah I wasn't paying attention. I usually just click on the first link in the section, which is almost always "what you're listening to right now" so I was just used to that.

On topic, I hate musicals. So I'm not a big fan of "Phantom of the Opera". There I threw in my opinion
They did but it's very hard to sue on accounts of plagiarism of music because it's almost impossible to prove that the accused actually took the piece. Ray Repp did sue but lost the case.

Roger Waters said this:
"Yeah, the beginning of that bloody Phantom song is from Echoes. I couldn't believe it when I heard it. It's the same time signature - it's 12/8 - and it's the same structure and it's the same notes and it's the same everything. Bastard. It probably is actionable. It really is! But I think that life's too long to bother with suing Andrew ******* Lloyd Webber."