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Picture Wars 2.0


How did this become a Seinfeld discussion?

Waddle Dee is so awesome, that Vader starts to question himself. He finds that he has been wasting his life, and is nothing more than a lonely, depressed corpse who's soul has been long lost to the cold vacuum of space. He commits suicide soon after this fateful encounter...
They would need doctors. And doctors are stinky. An apple a day keeps the doctor away

(The trick is throwing it hard enough)
Don't be a bad apple or you will be yelled at by this woman:

(if she was one of the ones where I go to school, she'd be glaring at everyone)

The media specialist attempts to tell the two crazy geniuses in love about making notecards in noodletools. She mysteriously disappears soon after...
That would work, IF I had a camera.

I'm disgusted my your attempt to destroy my non-existent camera, that I summon Knight Man to kill the Camera-Smas