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Pokemon?!?! Satanic?!?!


Co-Webmaster, Co-Conspirator
Okay, this was news to me that people thought Pokemon promoted satanism....
i just want to ask one thing
How so?
the Japanese culture doesn't even have Satan (that i know of, and Japanese culture is something im obsessed with), so how could they possibly promote it?
I never thought that. It promotes beating up little furry animals with amazing attacks. >:3 J/K. It's a normal RPG with some questionable lines.

"I hope to see you again!!!"

"What's in vogue? Why it has to be "YOUR MOTHER"!"

"Across the ocean...Is "YOUR MOTHER" even more popular?"

"I collect official liscensed "YOUR MOTHER" merchandise!"

(The last three are from the Ruby/Sapphire games, where on Dewford Island, there is a club for whatever is popular. If you tell the boy outside, "YOUR MOTHER", it becimes this. If you tell him anything else, it's the same lines, except YOUR MOTHER is replaced by what you put)
I remember reading that the Catholic church challenged Pokemon when the Yellow version came out. Why they did it, I don't know. I personally think that they don't like it when something is big and doesn't involve religion.
well i know alot was said about the 'magical powers' of pokemon...and of course the Bible condemns magic...but i also think that the magic mentioned in the bible refers to the power of demons.
this would also cause many disney movies such as Cinderella(fairy god mother) to be satanic as well as the rest of the fairy tales many of us grew up hearing....

dakare, i think you are right... some religious leaders got tired of kids playing stuff that didnt have God included...

Or maybe its a darker side...some people are racist against the japanese?
I remember reading that the Catholic church challenged Pokemon when the Yellow version came out. Why they did it, I don't know. I personally think that they don't like it when something is big and doesn't involve religion.
Then why hasn't the catholic church attacked Sports? Or High School Musical?
well, with pokemon, they had the excuse that they had powers and such

and interestingly, the vatican established that the whole pokemon franchise was very creative and not harmul in any way...lol