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Pop Culture takes a hit, good music rejoices

Hey guys great job making fun of recently deceased people, you're all awesome.

Anyway, I did enjoy a lot of Michael Jackson's music.
Well, in the United States court system, nobody is ever found "innocent". They're just found nor guilty. Just pointing that out.

And his earlier music wasn't bad. Not the type of music I like, but for the type of music it was, it was good.
I don't know... I am not convinced that he was innocent at all. Anyway, what would we all do without Thriller?

And does this mean that I'll finally get Beatles music on itunes or is there another obnoxious loophole that prevents me from doing so?
well, ive been reading about the whole beatles predicament thing, and it turns out that sony owns a good amount of the rights, so if michael jackson split up the rights in his will (if there is one) or whoever is in charge of this splits up jackson's ownership of the rights, then sony will be the predominent owner of the rights to the beatles songs.
It's probably a lot cheaper to just buy the songs I want off of itunes (hypothetically, assuming it were possibly) then to purchase albums at so-called "walmart."
Yeah but then you have a physical CD which is a lot better and safer than a digital collection.

And they don't sell it on iTunes at all so it's actually not cheaper, my point is if you want it go get it.
While records are very nifty, they're not exactly mobile. I can't go running with a record player. I can't put a record player in my car. I can't be standing in the middle of the ocean with a record player. I can't go to school with a record player. Sure, records are great for house parties! They really are. But the times when I would most want to listen to the music, I'd probably not have a record player with me.
Oh, and there's NO WAY whatsoever that I'd be able to hide a record player under my hair or in the hood of my sweatshirt in school when I'm not supposed to be listening to music.