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PS3 November release


I was just looking around on Gamespot and found that Sony is planning to launch the PS3 sometime this November *cool*. Now, I won't be getting the system myself *or think of until I know what I'll be playing*, but how do you all feel about this? It's a little disappointing not being launched in the Spring so we can get a better look at things, but now there's E3 to look for..again. It may even end up being a PS3 vs Revolution showdown at E3 who knows :D.
how much does it cost? i probably wont get it right away but when a few good games come out and the price goes down ill probably get one
eh its probably 500 it has some cool features.......... if it ever became 100 or something id get it to use it with my psp also i think ps3 operating system is linux to bad playstation sucks
animaldude said:
how much does it cost? i probably wont get it right away but when a few good games come out and the price goes down ill probably get one

:eek:NO it's probably from $300-$400. $500 is insane!
I agree with skinnyman because no one would want a ps3 for 500 when they could get an xbox360 for a way lower price
ps3 is gonna be expensive they have all these things in it with like blue ray 60 gig harddrive and all these other bananas
Listen well... The PlayStation 3 will be released in the Spring of '07. Also, it will not collide with the Revolution and if it does... Nintendo will come out on top... and I know that for a fact...
Just remember that Nintendo has been around the ropes longer than PS. Nintendo may be old and well-known, Nintendo can sell one hell of a system that could just about everything from NES - GC, and (What I heard...) playing DVDs.
nintendo is loved by everyone its known everywhere itll sell alot just because its nintendo theyve been around since like 80 years ago i read somewhere they started off by making colored rectangle things :) but im not sure if this is true
