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Ok I don't know why but I can't catch a reekfish on TP for the Wii. I caught one, didn't know what to do with it and it jumped back in the water. I fished for hours and caught nothing. I gave up and went around and killed poes. I then went back and fished some more and again no bite. Any ideas on what to do?
Really, the best thing to do would be to first check your rod is still equiped with the earing :). Once you have confirmed that, go back to the mother and child rock area, on the left side of Zora's Domain and find the Reekfish. Once you find them, cast away. They tend to move in a single large pack, so it should not be too hard to see...but they can be tricky.
I did that many times I even went and got bee larva for bait. They just won't bite. I sat here for hours waiting and nothing. I'm so frustrated with it. I don't know what to do. I know I need to get the scent of the fish. I figured that out after the first one jumped into the water. :confused: darn fish:mad:
Well, if all fails, it is not required that you have the scent. However, without the scent it will make your journey up Snowpeak a bit...painful. You'd have to endoue a bit of trial and error jumping over iceburges and climbing hills in blinding snow.

I'd say, if you have not saved, reset the game. I've never heard of a glitch like this before, which is a bit odd. You say you've already caught the fish, so I asume you earned the coral earing which enables you to catch the Reekfish. Otherwise, I'd take my prior suggestion :).
Yeah I got the new hook. Yeah I saved cause I gave up and went and killed poes, figured I'd do something productive. I then went back and tried again and just couldn't. I saw something about worms as live bait. Is that only for in the fishing hole? If not maybe I'll try that.
You can use them outside the fishing hole and it may be something to try. Again, if all else fails, you can go on without the scent, it's just harder ;).
You're forgetting something... Once you have the Coral Hook (The Zora hook to catch the Fish), you should be able to catch the fish near the mother-and-child rocks place. Once there, catch the fish... THEN, quickly turn into the wolf and sniff the scent. I had a feeling that was going to fool some people. Once you catch the fish and it's flipping around, transform into Wolf Link and sniff the scent.

Once that is complete, you will sense the scent and chase it through the Snowpeak place. Once there, I will wait for you to come back for help. You're the first one to actually ask for help.
I have the hook and I caught one but it jumped back in before I could shift into my wolf form. I now just can't catch another to get the scent. I just don't understand why I can't catch another. I'm about to go try and get through the blizzard. If it's too much of a pain I'll try fishing again. I got the worms so far hasn't worked. Thank you all for your advice though. If you have any more ideas please tell me. I'ma go try and do this *feels really dumb because of this*
Well, don't try to go through the blizzard... You will be brought back to the beginning... (I know, my friend did that...) Catch another fish (you really don't need the bait, btw.) and get its scent. It's not impossible to catch another fish. I was able to catch many of those fish. It's basic stuff... And, if that doesn't work, I will look back into the game and re-do it myself.
Well I went and got the worms and waited for a while and I finally caught one. Then I died snowboarding cause I would jump off the cliff, and onces I fell of the edge right in front of the house...not sure how. But I finally got through it. I thank y'all for y'all's help.
haha I probably will be knowing me. My brain likes to stop working for me in the middle of something. So I probably will come a callin'