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romani ranch


Co-Webmaster, Co-Conspirator
what is the strategy for defending the ranch from the aliens?
(regarding time, masks to use, epona or no epona,etc)
I personally don't use Epona, but instead don the Bunny Hood and run around shoting the things. And also make sure to return the flow of time to normal before doing so, or else it'll take forever.
Also from our mask guide

Bob's Awesome Guide said:
You must run around shooting Aliens until about 5 when they will disappear. DON"T LET THEM IN THE BARN OR YOU WILL FAIL THE MISSION! If you run out of arrows use the crate or bushes for more. Also, don't ride Epona while shooting. It may look cool, but it doesn't help. The aliens also come from all sides so be ready to defend.

I find it best to get on top of Romain's house so you have a clear view of the perimeter of the barn.
I never thought of that. I usually just slowed down time, and stood in front of the barn. That way I had more time to line up a shot and not waste arrows, even though you can get more. Yea it takes longer, but it's easier
The way I did it was by turning into zora link, geting on top of the barn, and shooting with arrows, then when I ran out, I'd grab the bunnie hood and run around till I had arrows and repeated the process.