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S.I.T. Election June 08


The Webmaster
Yes, it's back again! We've just opened up the floor for our June 2008 S.I.T. election! We have two members nominated this time around both looking to get your vote.

Please Read This Before You Even Think Of Voting

That announcement tells you everything you need to know. The polls will be open for about 1 to 2 weeks depending on the frequency of voters. So, be certain to get in and make your voice heard!

I now have the results of the SIT election ready. There were only 12 ballots cast this time *I'm guesing it's the whole start of summer thing* but nevertheless the election went on. Below are the results:

Dakare: 10 votes, 83% of vote
i am a teddy: 9 votes, 75% of vote

Candidates in bold obtained the 75% of the vote required to become S.I.T.s and are being promoted as you read this. This time both candidates succesfuly earned 75% or more of the vote giving Zelda Sages two new SITs! Congratulations to both and thanks to all that got out and voted!