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Sacred Grove


So I already past the first time you enter the Sacred Grove as Wolf Link. It's the second time that's ticking me off. It's not the first or second time that's bothering me it's the third. I know the general area that the skull kid is in and where in the trees he is but i just can't pin point his exact location. all because everytime i kill one wave of puppets, another arrives two seconds later. this just doesn't give me enough time. i've also looked everywhere online to see if they could show where he is in the trees but so far i've found nothing. so does anyone know where his exact location is? because i sure don't.
It's a bit dependant where he is each time. The basic trick, as youi know, is follow the lantern trail and when you hear him playing music you are in the right section. If there are objects or places you can climb up use that to your advantage. Also, kill off all four puppets with a spin attack prior to each climb. Take out your bow and you should see him dancing on top of a treee with his lantern. He will literaly be on top of the tree during one point.
i know that but i don't ever see the lantern light, i just follow the trumpet sound but no matter what i do. the puppets keep coming back 2 seconds later and i've looked everywhere throughout the trees and i've even used the hawkeye to help with the search.
Yes, it is one of the tricky portions of TP. You can also leave the area where you beleive he is moving forward *not down the path you came* and he will follow you. During both my run throughs the third time he appears in the area with the large climable stump bridge, climbing the stump bridge and looking to the left to see him in a far tree.

So, I'd say try moving to other forest areas looking for more lantern locations. This will make him appear more clearly when you end up returning.
THANK YOU VEEERRRRRYYYY, FRIIIICKING, MUCH!!!! I'll check it out later tonight.

oh and i finally managed to get him... thanks!:)