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Sage in Training January 07 Vote


The Webmaster
Hey everyone :)
It's that time again to enter another SIT vote! Maybe this time, we will actualy produce an SIT or two...or three.

We've done a few things to improve voting, making everything much more secret. To vote, you need to simply create a thread in the voting booth with a list of the members you are voting for. Be sure to read the announcement in the voting booth prior to doing this of course. Only you and staff members have access to your vote.

We'll be keeping this open until next Saturday night, when we will announce the results.
Well, it's time for the results of the election. I'm very happy to say that we actually have S.I.T.'s now :D. The names in bold are the election winners, along with votes and % received:

animaldude: 16 94%
UltimaLink007: 7 42%
Guardian of Ice: 5 30%

Total votes: 17
UltimaLink007 won the election via staff overide. However, he is not able to become a Sage for one application term.

Animaldude simply won, with an astounding 94% vote ratio :).

Guardian of Ice lost the election this time around. As this is the first election she lost, she is not able to receive the staff overide.

Now, let me make this very clear on the get go. Simply because these two members are now S.I.T.s does not make them any better than another member of Zelda Sages. I don't want the same situation to appear here that has done so with so many other boards. If ANY S.I.T. starts to show off, act greedy, etc we will demote them. This is an honor that should be used for good, not evil.

I will do the promotions shortly, have a nice day everyone :).