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Sage Results


The Webmaster
Good day to you all. You're likely all wondering the results of the Sage nonsense we had going on a week or so ago. So, here are the results

Part 1: Animaldude as a Sage

Keep animaldude: 17%
Dismiss animaldude: 83%

We thank animaldude for his service as a Sage and he will remain an S.I.T. with full ability to become a Sage again next Sage election cycle.

Part 2:

It was an exhausting search to fill animaldude's shoes and, after interviews and the likes of it, I'm certain all the candidates were rather destroyed themselves. Versac and I have decided the new Sage for the ZS community is...


We've trained UltimaLink007 over the last few days and he's ready for action. Congratulations to all involved in the process and thankyou all for your cuoperation.