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Deus Ex Machina
Who here watches the show Scrubs? It is a really good show that has a serious note to it, but also pokes fun at all the hospital dramas out there, such as ER, Grey's Anatomy, and House.
I don't really watch it but I know that tinyslam is obsessed with it. I might begin to watch it soon.
I saw a few episodes of this once, and it was a relly funny show... I wish I could watch it more, but I need to get my homework done earlier so I can play TP.... what time is it on? I forgot...sorry :eek:
JD and Turk are really funny. Course so are Kelso and Cox. The team comedys are hilarious in that show.
scrubs.....is.......GOD!!!!!! i love scrubs. its serious, but funny at the same time! who woulda thunk it?
It's up in the air. NBC has stated that this was the last season, but ABC has been entertaining Bill Lawrence trying to get another season and having it on ABC instead of NBC. Nobody knows for sure.