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Signature Change


Subtle as a Ninja Pirate!
I know that I only changed my signature a little bit, but what does everyone think about the change.
It's okay, I guess, but you can really only have so many quotes. Then it just gets boring after awhile if you have a bunch of quotes in your sig.
Why are people making threads for signature changes? I've changed mine like 15 times, nobody cares!
Yoyoll, calm down. I did my thread because I needed ideas. You don't need to flip out.

Anyway, I think you (everybody really) need to go with the KISS approach (keep it simple, stupid (no offence meant)).
No need to flip out guys. But I think to signature threads are enough so all new signature questions can be asked here.

What do you guys think of my new one :)
Seems really.....flamboyant...and.....um...."happy"

Then again people could just make these threads to boost their post count

BTW you all totally should copy the yellow thing from my signature and paste it into yours. It spawned from me and Versac
Non, well, sorta. It was directed to everybody, but mainly to Sly because he has too many quotes in his.
It's kind of implied, since no one really commented on them.

Sly, get some quotes with a little meaning, you wanna make people think.
If I had time (and Photoshop) I'd be able to make a great signature picture. Of course, I lack both those things, so I'm stuck with my rather interesting quote :).
Ha! You don't need Photoshop, but it would make it easier. I did my sig with just Microsoft Paint.
Well, I asked Zack (Capt.) to make me a sig picture about ... 4 months ago? Still havenn't gotten anything.

Anyway, I've decided to take the new quote out. Maybe I'll think of something to replace my signature completely.
Due to popular request, I'm back! ... for a day or so. All you who want a Capt Zeroth original, send me a PM.

PS, check out my latest Photoshop:

Everything was made from scratch.

[edit] exept the moon.