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SIT vote?


Deus Ex Machina
When will the next SIT election take place? You had one in December and January, but then skipped February and seems like you will be skipping March as well. What is the logic behind it? You mad it seem like a monthly thing, but then you stopped. I am so confused:confused:!!!
Probably more of a suggestion or comment, so moved to the appropriate forum :).

S.I.T. elections are instituted whenever I feel we are in a need for more S.I.T.'s. For the current community involvement and membership statistics, two is a good number to cap off at. It was never meant to be a monthly event. There can and will be times where we will have an election for several consecutive months, and times when the string of elections dies down to several months apart.
IMHO, we should not have an S.I.T. vote for some time. In all honesty, if a majority of the members here that make us of the community are S.I.T.'s, the rank itself won't be as special.