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Spelunky - 2D Cave Explorer

Capt. Zeroth

http://forums.tigsource.com/index.php?topic=4017.0 said:
Probably the easiest way to describe Spelunky is that its (kind of) like La Mulana meets Nethack - every time you play the levels, items, monsters, and so forth, are all procedurally-generated. And the terrain is destructible and there are quite a few ways in which the various game elements can interact with one another.

My goal was to create a fast-paced platform game that had the kind of tension, re-playability, and variety of a roguelike. In roguelikes, the gameplay tells the story, and I wanted to give Spelunky that type of a feeling... but make the player rely on their reflexes rather than their brain (or knowledge of what 50 billion command keys do!). If there's a best of both worlds, that's what I was trying to go for.


Download here! Its about 11mb and doesn't require an installation. Its lots of fun, and the levels are generated well. (If you dont have a program to open up .rar files, install this.)

Here is a series of videos going through the whole game! Watch it to get a quick look!
Just a hint: Don't steal from shops! You might find yourself immediately at the barrel of a shotgun. Alternatively: Don't steal from shops unless you kill the shopkeeper first!