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PC Splitter 2, flash game

Capt. Zeroth

Theres this fun flash game called Splitter 2. Its a physics based game where you get a ball to a portal by slicing surfaces in half. Its pretty simple and the pre-made levels are challenging and fun.

Anyway, this thread is more about sharing custom levels you have made.

http://www.casualcollective.com/#games/Splitter 2/155660
www.casualcollective.com/#games/Splitter 2/148063
www.casualcollective.com/#games/Splitter 2/149908

I'll be adding more as I make them, I imagine.

As a note, if you paste or copy a level URL, make sure you copy the WHOLE url into your address bar. ZS's URL parser splits it in 2 because of a space.