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Square-Enix announces "Kingdom Hearts: Re: Chain of Memories" for North America

With out cards, that game would go up by a 5 point rating... the cards where so annoying! As soon as you doubled or tripled and you ran out, you had nothing to attack anymore! It would be great to see it without cards.
With out cards, that game would go up by a 5 point rating... the cards where so annoying! As soon as you doubled or tripled and you ran out, you had nothing to attack anymore! It would be great to see it without cards.
The only good thing about cards was stacking your deck with really unfair combos to just rush through everyone. Riku (Save first card in combo) + 4 Clouds + Ansem (Double combo) = 7 omnislashes, etc.

I'm so happy that someone besides me cares about this. ^_^
One month left today. I am unable to contain my excitement. :D

EDIT: Well it has come out in the United States, and has been out for over a week now. It is indeed still a card-battle system, but I have yet to see whether it is the same as the GBA in terms of the fights, i.e. one heartless on the map = one fight and whether you move around in fights like Chain of Memories or more of a Kingdom Hearts I + II system with cards.

New boss cards are out (Organization XIII members met in KHII), and that's about all I know in the present. Has anyone gotten this game yet? Opinions? Thoughts? Discussion?