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Star Wars: The Twilight Saga (Alternate Universe; Multi-Spoilers)

Title: The Twilight Saga
Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Mace Windu, Darth Sidious, Obi-Wan Kenobi, et al.
Timeline: ROTS-onward
Disclaimer: I don't own Star Wars or any of the characters involved. I wish I did, as much money as Lucas makes off of it, but Lucas & Lucasfilms owns these characters. I make absolutely no money off these.
Author's Note: This story was originally started in 2005, and to be honest, while praised, there were areas where it could be improved. This forum, unlike some of the others where I post this story, is recieving the revised edition. I hope that it's enjoyable.

Star Wars: The Twilight Saga​
Part One: Episode III Twilight of the Sith​

Chapter One:

A lone Jedi speeder roared across the Coruscant airways with a blatant disregard for traffic rules, its course clearly aimed at the building where the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic was. The pilot of the speeder was someone who had always had a contempt for rules, but now he couldn’t care less about anything except his objective. Night had fallen and he could now make out distinct flashes coming from the windows of the Chancellor’s office. He kept hearing Palpatine’s voice in his head, pleading with him, saying, ‘If the Jedi kill me, all hope of saving her will be lost.’ The flashes in the window were bars of green, red, and purple flame. In moments, the emerald fire vanished. Anakin Skywalker, the most powerful Jedi alive, and the best pilot in the Galactic Republic, was fighting a losing battle. If he didn’t make it, he would lose all hope of saving his beloved wife and unborn child. He swerved into the docking area of the Senatorial offices and jumped out of his speeder, running as fast as he could to reach Palpatine’s office. He barely noticed the dozens of redrobes scattered along his path, signals of the Jedi Masters’ passage. He entered the office of the Supreme Chancellor and saw Jedi Master Mace Windu standing over Chancellor Palpatine, his amethyst blade angled at Palpatine’s throat. The battle had been fierce, but Windu claimed victory.

"You are under arrest, my Lord," Mace said. Anakin closed the distance, but stopped when Windu held up a hand.

"You see Anakin? I was right! The Jedi are taking over!" Palpatine cried, looking extremely frightened.

"The oppression of the Sith will never return! You have lost!" Windu growled, drowning out any further protests from Palpatine.

"No," Palpatine growled, his face twisting disgustingly. "No, no! You have lost!!" he screamed, his hands forking, blue lighting leaping from his fingers. The lightning curled around Windu’s lightsaber as Darth Sidious screeched, "He’s a traitor!"

"He is the traitor!" Mace groaned as he slowly pushed his saber down, the lightning beginning to arc back at Sidious.

"I have the power to save the ones you love! You must choose!" Sidious pleaded with Anakin, the power of his own lightning beginning to transform his own face.

"Don’t listen to him Anakin!"

"Don’t let him kill me!" Sidious continued to plead. Anakin glared at Windu, his lightsaber appearing in his hand as the crackling of the lightning worsened. Sidious’s face was becoming more and more disfigured and his voice began to grow weaker as he moaned out, "I can’t hold it any longer...I...I can’t, I just can’t, I’m weak, I’m too weak…" The lightning disappeared and Sidious seemed to shrink from Windu. "Help me. Help me!"

Windu glared daggers at the Sith Lord. "I’m going to end this, once and for all!"

For the first time, Skywalker spoke. But what Windu didn’t expect was for him to defend the Sith Lord. "You can’t! He must stand trial!"

Windu dismissed this quickly, "He controls the Senate and the courts! He’s too dangerous to be left alive!"

Anakin winced at this reminder of his murder of Dooku, but wanted to cry out that there were some Senators Sidious didn’t control. Instead, he only pleaded, "It’s not the Jedi way! He must live!"

Windu growled and continued to glare at the Sith Lord at his mercy. The Jedi Master was on the edge of the Dark Side, but didn’t care. It didn’t matter what the price was as long as peace was finally achieved. "You…Sith disease!" he managed to spit out. He began to rear back with his saber.

"No! I need him! I need him to save Padmé!" Anakin finally managed to say.

The mention of the Naboo senator grabbed Mace’s attention at last. Especially since there seemed to be some threat on her life and she was a very influential Senator that had opposed Palpatine. The Jedi Master reached into the Force to calm himself, but found himself drawn to the shatterpoints now surrounding young Skywalker. The cracks seemed to center around Palpatine, but they also stretched outwards to a point distant. Amidala. "What do you mean?" he finally said.

"Padmé is going to die if he doesn’t show me how to save her!"

Mace’s brow creased in thought and he glanced down at the Sith Lord once again. The Force was whispering to him. "Don’t listen to him Anakin! You have to stop him! He’ll kill me, and then he’ll kill her! The Jedi will destroy her!"

Then Windu had it. He looked back at Anakin, staring into his eyes. "Anakin, you saw her death through a vision?" A nod. "Did you see what it was that killed her?" Anakin’s eyes grew uncertain, and Windu could feel his presence questioning the Force. Then the answer flowed into both Jedi’s minds. Anakin was at a turning point. He could destroy the Sith Lord or he could save him. He could gain immense power, but at the cost of everything he held dear. Even Padmé would be at risk. Now faced with a choice between his wife’s love and life and ultimate power…he found that it wasn’t really a choice at all. Skywalker’s eyes narrowed as he made his decision and his lightsaber flamed into existence and his glare focused on the Sith Lord.

"Yesss. You see it now, don’t you boy? You would have been great. The greatest of all the Sith Lords in all of history. And once she had died by your own hands, your fury, your despair would have turned you into an unstoppable force!" Sidious said.

"Why would you do this to me?!" Anakin growled.

"Because you are who you are," Sidious replied, letting a little sadness creep into his voice. Then, as the Jedi both raised their lightsabers, Darth Sidious let lightning lance out and hit the two Jedi, sending them flying back onto the ground. Before they could get up, Sidious triggered a switch in his desk. The switch activated a door and sent out a pre-arranged signal. "It no longer matters. Soon, the Jedi Order will fall! You are all fools!" Sidious yelled.

Anakin and Mace stood on shaky legs, clearing the fog from their senses. Anakin looked over at Mace who in turn gazed at Skywalker. "What did he mean by that?" Mace wondered aloud. Moments later, the sound of the engines of a group of Republic gunships rose over the growing wind outside. Mace looked out and saw the gunships flying through the night. As he saw their destination, he bit back a curse. "They’re going to attack the Jedi Temple! We can’t warn them in time!"

"So you’re saying it’s hopeless?" came Anakin’s voice. Windu was alarmed at how tight it was until he noticed how scrunched up in concentration the Jedi’s face was. Then he felt the wind picking up. He felt Anakin stretching out into the Force, the young Jedi’s awareness spreading out across the city. Dark clouds began forming in the sky and within moments, lightning flashed multiple times. The Republic gunships that had been heading for the Jedi Temple were engulfed in flames. After a few moments, Anakin’s consciousness receded, but only slightly. He was still stretched out into the Force. "Never give up hope Master Windu. But now we need to find a way to spoil Palpatine’s plans." Windu could hardly disagree.
Pretty much Slyguy! Ask and ye shall recieve!

Darth Sidious stood in a small room, coordinating the assault on the Jedi remotely. The Dark Lord of the Sith was most displeased with this turn of events. Skywalker! He could have had the ultimate power in the galaxy! And he gave it up for a woman! That little fool! He had one other road open to him to bring Skywalker to his side. It would have to be carefully planned. The console chirped and Sidious glanced at it. Good. Order 66 will soon be carried out here too. Then an alarm sounded. The video feed showed the group of gunships flying towards the Jedi Temple. In moments, the gunships were aflame as a brief Force storm destroyed them. What?! Skywalker?! There’s no way he has that much power! I have to work fast if I am to destroy his hope and bring him over, Sidious thought. He started away when he noticed a speeder flying away from the Senate building. It seemed to be flying towards the Jedi Temple, but then it swerved away, heading for 500 Republica, where most of the Senators in the Republic held residence. What is he…Amidala! Blast! Sidious cursed. He turned to the bacta tank in the room tied into the Sith Lord’s computer, being fed information constantly. There was only one last alternative for him.

In the skies of Coruscant, Anakin’s confiscated four seat speeder made a sharp turn, causing Mace to grip the side of it so tight that his knuckles turned bone white. "Anakin, what in the name of the Force are you doing?!"

Skywalker was concentrating on piloting the craft towards Padmé’s apartment, but he found it within himself to reply. "I’m taking preventative measures. Sidious wasn’t able to turn me to the Dark Side back there, so I think that he would try the next best thing. I think that he was planning on killing Padmé to bring me over to his side. However, I don’t think he’d actually kill her," he said

"Why is that important to him? And why wouldn’t he kill her?"

Anakin sighed, knowing that he was likely signing his own death sentence for this. "Padmé, I mean, Senator Amidala and I have been married for three years, and she is pregnant. If my guess is right, our child will be as powerful, if not more powerful, in the Force than I am. And before you say anything, I know a Jedi isn’t supposed to have attachments, but I think that it’s about thirteen years too late for that," Anakin explained. As they neared 500 Republica, the full implications of what could happen hit both of them. "If he found out about her pregnancy, Palpatine would love to get his claws on our child. He would do anything to turn him or her to his side."

Mace’s brow creased. "I have a bad feeling about this," he muttered. "Let’s do what needs to be done." Anakin smiled slightly as he brought the speeder right up to the edge of the veranda of Padmé’s apartment.

The Senator in question had just been getting ready to lie down for the evening when she heard the speeder. Padmé looked out her window and saw Anakin and Master Windu outside. In moments, Anakin was running up the stairs. Padmé had never seen him like this, and she was sure it meant trouble. "Anakin, what are you doing here at this hour? And in a speeder?! You’ll be seen for sure—"

"That doesn’t matter now," he said, his presence calming her. "We have to get off planet as soon as possible. Take as little with you as possible," he said, looking around the bedroom. Padmé nodded as he went down the stairs again. She grabbed the jappor snippet that Anakin had given her and hurried downstairs. She saw Anakin and Windu gazing around the apartment as See-Threepio clambered into the speeder. She looked at Windu, and she was surprised when she felt Anakin wrapping his arms around her.

"Look, I hate to break up this little reunion, but we have to get to the Jedi Temple," Windu said. Apparently, Mace knew and accepted their marriage. Padmé nodded, understanding the need for haste. But right as they were about to get into the speeder, Anakin fell to the ground, clutching his head. Mace’s brow creased and he looked like he was in pain as well. After a few moments, he regained his composure. Anakin, however, had not. "Skywalker, what was that?"

Anakin looked up at him, his eyes full of pain. "Master, I felt…something terrible. The Jedi…so many Jedi…I felt them die! All over the galaxy…the Jedi have been murdered!" Anakin managed to say. Mace couldn’t believe what he was hearing, and Padmé could only put her arms around Skywalker. He continued, "Master Windu…you, me…the Jedi in the Temple…Obi-Wan…Master Yoda…I think we’re all that’s left!"
Another update! Comments please!

The message had come through only minutes before, but Bail Organa wasted no time. He ordered his ship into the air and over to the Jedi Temple as fast as possible. At the same time, he began to scan the emergency Jedi communications channels. He was quickly able to identify a signal coming from Kashyyyk. "Master Yoda?" Bail asked.

"Attacked by clones I have been. A rescue is needed." Yoda replied.

"We'll be on our way shortly. This isn't an isolated incident," the Alderaanian senator said sadly. "We've checked reports, and it seems like this has happened in other systems, including Mygeeto, Saleucami, and others. Master Windu has asked us to meet him at the Jedi Temple."

Yoda's head drooped, and Bail assumed that he was mourning. "Meet you soon, I shall. Help the Jedi, you must."
********************************************************************************** Anakin brought his speeder to a grinding halt just outside the Temple gates. In moments, Jedi Master Shaak Ti met them, her dark eyes focused on Mace Windu. "Mace, what's going on? We've sensed a legion of clones heading for the Temple!"

Mace couldn't answer, but Anakin needed to. "The Jedi Order is about to fall. Chancellor Palpatine is the Sith Lord Sidious, and if I'm right...he's ordered the execution of all Jedi. We have little choice. We must retreat," Skywalker said.

Shaak Ti bowed her head, stretching into the Force. At her beckoning, two Jedi apprentices stepped forward. Anakin recognized them as Whie and Scout, two young Padawans that had once traveled with Master Yoda to the planet Vjun. "Please Mace, take these two with you. If they remain here, they won't survive," she said. Mace nodded, understanding her thoughts.

Padmé looked stricken as the full implications of what was being said hit her. "Wait, you have to come too!"

The Jedi Master shook her head and said, "There are too many Jedi here to be able to get off planet safely, and there aren't many ships here at the Temple that are above fighter class. Don't worry. We'll hold the clones here so you can leave. Take however many you can, but no more."

Mace nodded sadly. He placed a hand on her shoulder. "May the Force be with you, Master Ti."

"And with you, Master Windu." As the Jedi and the Senator left, taking several Jedi apprentices and younglings with them, including Whie and Scout, several others joined Shaak Ti, lightsabers in hand, not yet activated. She turned and looked outside the Temple gates and saw a full legion of clone troopers marching up the stairs to the Temple. A shadow led them, a black hole in the Force. It was so strong that she didn't realize that the shadow wasn't the only dark presence approaching the Temple. She merely prepared herself for her fight.
The Jedi found the consular ship belonging to the Alderaanian Senator, the Tantive IV, waiting for them at the lower docking level. Bail Organa was waiting at the ramp. "Master Jedi! We've been in contact with Master Yoda, and as soon as we're able to leave here, we plan to go to Kashyyyk to rescue him," he said as Captain Antilles began to help the younger Jedi aboard.

Anakin looked at the Senator and asked, "Have you heard anything from Obi-Wan?"

"Master Kenobi? No, we haven't. That doesn't necessarily mean we won't," Organa replied.

Mace followed the Padawans and younglings aboard the Tantive, and Bail started after them when he noticed Anakin was heading back into the Temple. "Skywalker, where are you going?"

Anakin stopped, and looked back, seeing Padmé gazing at him. "I have my own ship. Take care of Padmé for me until my return." Then he turned, his cloak billowing in the wind as he began his journey to the upper hanger levels of the Jedi Temple, his organic hand gripping the hilt of his lightsaber. He would be ready for anything.
On Kashyyyk, the diminutive Jedi Master Yoda bowed his head as the Wookiees Tarfull and Chewbacca stood guard. Yoda was tired, not only because of the news he had received, but also because he felt many of the Jedi’s deaths in the Force. Soon, he would be leaving with the two Wookiees to reach an escape pod. So he used the opportunity to revive himself…and luckily for him, the Force was doing just that. The dark shadow that had clouded the Force for so long had been eclipsed by light…even after a certain Jedi partially withdrew his consciousness from the Force out of pain. "Hmm…discovered his destiny, young Skywalker has," he said, almost to himself.

"Yes. By uncovering the web of deceit that the Lord of the Sith had been weaving, a web that would have led him to destroy all who care for him, he has found balance within himself. He now carries the unified Force within him. But he still has to bring that balance to the Force," whispered the Force, carried to the aged Jedi in the voice of Qui-Gon Jinn.

Yoda closed his eyes. "Yes. Realize the path to fulfilling the prophecy, he must. However, help he will need," he said. Then the thought occurred to him. "And help him, I shall. Discover the extent of Sidious’s powers, I will. My task it shall be, to confront the Emperor."
Nice detail on the Star Wars lingo. Heh, younglings. That cracks me up whenever I hear it.
Thanks! That's great to hear, means that I have achieved a believable Star Wars atmosphere. Here's another update, again, comments are very welcome! This one's fairly short, but that's because I'm about to hit the Chapter 2 mark, and I don't wanna have a post that's from chapter 1 & 2.

Shaak Ti waited, absently fingering the activation switch of her lightsaber. Anakin and Mace had been able to board around fifty apprentices and younglings on the Tantive. Though not even half of those who stayed in the Temple, it was better than allowing them all to perish. The shadow leading the clone troopers grew closer and she was able to see two piercing yellow eyes hidden in his dark hood. Some of the younger Jedi murmured that there weren’t nearly enough of them to defend the Temple, that they were all as good as dead. ‘There is no emotion; there is peace. There is no ignorance; there is knowledge. There is no passion; there is serenity. There is no death; there is the Force.’ The Jedi Code resounded in Shaak Ti’s mind as she watched lightning strikes lighting up the planet, illuminating the battalion of clone troops in the dark. As the figure draped in darkness drew closer, the Jedi Master brought her saber in front of her, igniting its sapphire blade. The ignition of her saber was a signal for the others to do the same. The end was near.
In the shadows of the Temple hanger, a figure waited. Tall, lean, and draped entirely in black. In his hands, he cradled a lightsaber that, when active, would have a blade as red as fresh blood. He waited for the Chosen One. He waited in the darkness for Anakin Skywalker. Not to kill him, not yet. The Jedi deserved pain and suffering before being allowed that final rest. When he finally released Skywalker, with the death of the Chosen One, his birth would be complete. He would be whole. And then...he would purge the galaxy of all that Skywalker had fought for. The ultimate defeat of the Hero with No Fear would come soon. The figure waited, thinking of a phrase that had been implanted in him. "For now we see, but through a glass darkly." The shadow waited.
Oooh, ominous.

Anyway, great job so far. Love the use of language and knoledge of the Star Wars Universe.

One thing though. Earlier, you said See-ThreePio. I believe that the propper name is C-3PO.
Yes, I have heard of Luke and the others calling him Threepeo (3PO) for short, but not fully spelling it out as See-Threepio. They normally spell it C-3PO.
Actually, if you've read any of the works of Timothy Zahn or others, they actually DO spell it "See-Threepio" a few times, shortened to Threepio. Now...here's another update! :D

Padmé paced the deck of the Tantive IV, worry creasing her face. Mace had advised against lift off until Anakin's fighter launched, as he had felt that Anakin’s superior piloting skills would prove to be an asset in escorting the starship loaded with the future of the Jedi Order off planet. However, Padmé didn’t have to like the fact that Anakin was out in the Temple where there was sure to be fighting. She knew something was wrong. She felt it. Anakin was in trouble. But each time she thought about grabbing a blaster and going to help him, she felt a kick or two from inside her belly.

Eventually, she sat down, resting a hand on her stomach, trying to calm the life that grew inside her. Windu, on the other hand, appeared perfectly calm. On the inside, however, was a totally different story. He was burning on the inside, the warrior in him longing to be at Shaak Ti’s side. But, the younglings needed him here, and Shaak Ti had entrusted their safety to him.

He stretched out with the Force, feeling the tension in the air resonating from Padmé, from the Padawans and younglings, and from the Jedi who remained at the Temple gates. He felt the dark presence approaching the Jedi. And then he felt Anakin, who was ascending through the Temple to the hanger in the upper levels. Then he felt something that gave him cause for concern. Another dark presence was in the hanger level…and it felt quite familiar. He glanced at Padmé, and he resolved to keep her from going after him.
Shaak Ti and the few remaining Jedi waited as the shadow stepped forward and the clones came to a halt behind him. "Master Ti. We really don’t have to do this, you know," came a voice that the Jedi Master recognized as the gentle, calm voice of the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic, the same voice she had heard for years. "If you surrender, your lives will be spared," he continued. Then the Jedi’s face hardened as memories of Geonosis flooded back as she recalled those words being spoken by Count Dooku. She gripped her lightsaber tighter. With an almost sad sigh, he murmured almost too low to hear, "Very well then." Then a bar of red flame appeared in his hand and the Dark Lord of the Sith was flying through the air at Shaak Ti. She was barely able to dodge in time, and her quick cut at his back was deflected by Sidious’s saber. He spun and cut at her head, but she was able to block in time. In moments, the two became whirling masses of energy, clashing every few moments. After a minute, Shaak Ti’s strikes became more powerful and then she almost threw the Dark Lord to the ground.

Sidious looked at her in surprise, but then he grinned. "Well Master Ti, is that anger I’m sensing from you? I thought Jedi Masters were beyond that," he said, his face twisting badly with the sick smile. Ti was surprised at herself. She was angry. Sidious had betrayed the Jedi’s trust, and that infuriated her. But no more. She let go of her fear and anger and raised her blade once more. The two combatants were at each other again, their sabers spinning and clashing. As Shaak Ti brought her saber down towards Sidious’s head, the Dark Lord shifted his aim and his crimson blade severed Ti’s hand at the forearm. The Jedi fell to her knees, clutching the stump that used to be her hand. The Dark Lord held the saber at her throat. "I will give you one last chance. Join me, or you will be destroyed," Sidious said, his voice as cold as the space above the planet. She held her head up high in defiance. "As you wish," he growled. The saber went high, then cleanly through her neck. As her head bounced along the floor of the Temple, Sidious turned to the clone troopers and yelled, "Every single Jedi is now an enemy of the Republic! Do what must be done! Do not hesitate! Show no mercy!" The clones waited until the Dark Lord was out of their line of fire...then all hell broke loose.

Short update!!

Mace began pacing the deck but then stopped in his tracks when he began to feel the Jedi being slaughtered. “We have to leave. We can’t wait any longer,” he stated, turning to go to the bridge of the ship.

“No! We can’t leave without Anakin!” Padmé shouted, bolting from her seat. It took only a moment for her to fall back, her head spinning. Mace was quick to help her back into her seat without her being injured. “Please Master Windu, we can’t leave without him,” she whispered, tears forming in her eyes.

Mace growled, but said, “We’ll wait just a little longer.” He turned away, cursing softly. This was exactly why attachment was forbidden to Jedi. He stretched out to the Force, trying to see what was going on, but all he could see was almost infinite darkness.
Darth Sidious watched as the Jedi scattered like cockroaches in a suddenly lit room. He grinned, as the analogy seemed to fit. The Jedi were vermin. Only one was of use to him. And once the means to turn him were gone, he had but one choice. It wasn't pleasant, what he had done. But, few things seldom were. He stabbed his saber into the head of Cin Drallig, who had just appeared from behind a column. He fell. Sidious shook his head. This was supposed to be the second greatest of the lightsaber combatants...now just dead. He supposed it was ironic, but he had little use for irony. Control was his goal. Complete and utter control. What would be called the "Jedi Rebellion" was just another step in his complete dominance over the entire galaxy. He casually cut through two Padawans. "Such vermin..." he whispered as the bodies fell to the floor.
Another update!

Anakin was right outside the hanger door when he started feeling the Jedi fall. He pushed it out of his mind as fast as he could. He couldn't afford a delay. However, he started to feel a strange buzzing in his head. The door opened and he was immediately aware that it was pitch black inside the hanger. "Great," he murmured. Then the door shut behind him. "Wonderful. Artoo? Give me a shout will you?"

"Your droid can't hear you." Anakin jumped. That voice.... "Surprised to hear it Chosen One? Oh yes, I know what you're thinking. I know exactly what you think," the voice said. It stepped out, so Anakin could see the figure...but barely. He, for he was certain that it was a man, stepped forward, and Anakin could see the glint of something in his hand. He drew his lightsaber, the buzzing in his head starting to get louder. Now he felt the shadow smile. "Good Chosen One. Let's test your blade...against mine." A meter-long bar of red flame erupted from the shadow's hand. Anakin ignited his saber, the blue mixing with the red. Then he attacked with a feinted left, then right slash.

His jaw dropped in shock as his opponent not only met him, but quickly put him on the defensive with several quick strikes. The two sabers clashed in the dark bay, but Anakin couldn't make out the face of his opponent even then. His cloak seemed to absorb the light around his face, hiding it in shadow blacker than the void between the stars. The sabers flashed, the clashing echoing throughout the hanger. Anakin grew angry as he realized that this shadow seemed to know exactly where and when he was going to strike. Then, he remembered how close he was to the Dark Side and just let the Force flow through him. However, he still wasn’t able to take the upper hand. Each attack was parried, until a hard strike knocked Skywalker off balance. Then the shadow flipped away to the other side of the room, and he let out a laugh.

"Let's add a little light to the subject shall we?" He flicked his hand and the lights in the hanger came on. Then, with one hand, he drew back his hood. Anakin stood there in complete shock. The hair was cut closer to the scalp and the face was smooth and scar-less. But other than that...Anakin stared into a mirror. "Yes Anakin Skywalker. You are gazing upon your end. I am Darth Vader...and you..." Vader angled his crimson saber at Anakin. "You are nothing at all."
Sidious marched through the temple, swiftly going through any Knights or Padawans in his way. He cleaved a young Chagrian girl in half, stepping over her corpse. He sensed the shock of Anakin as Lord Vader revealed himself. ‘Good, that’s one less thing that I have to worry about,’ Sidious thought, knowing that Vader would keep Skywalker preoccupied. He cut through a male Rodian, letting his body fall to the floor.

Meanwhile, the 501st Legion was making quick work of the Jedi, blasting through them. They were a force to be reckoned with. One day, they would become known as "Vader's Fist", and the 501st would have none but the best troops. Even now, they were mowing through the Jedi, suffering only light casualties. The 501st had one distinction that set it apart from the rest of the troopers. They were all ARCs, bred to be the best of the best. And nothing could stand against them.