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Review Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty


Well I haven't been on here for a long time, so I figured I'd do some reviews as a "welcome back" type thing. I also figured I should review SC2 since I'm a huge SC fan

-10/10: The core gameplay mechanics of Starcraft 2 haven't changed from Starcraft 1. You still build workers to gather minerals and vespene gas (which we require more of), build buildings and train units to go destroy your opponents with. (BTW you must construct additional pylons). Starcraft 2 still has the same 3 races from SC1 (Terran: Humans, Zerg: Organic aliens under the rule of Kerrigan who seeks to take over the whole galaxy, and the Protoss: Psyonic aliens who are technologically advanced, who wish to eradicate the Zerg at any cost). All 3 races are very balanced and each race can win against another, it just depends on your strategy. All 3 races have unique units they can build, and each unit counters another unit, so there's no one "super unit" that wins no matter what. There is a single-player campaign in which you follow Jim Raynor, a hero from the first game, in his war to overthrow the Terran Dominion, while also trying to figure out what Kerrigan is up to. But you buy SC2 for it's multiplayer gameplay. You can play either ranked online matches, or user-made custom maps.

Sound- 9/10 : The sound for SC2 is very well done. But what really makes it stand out is the voice-acting. Whenever you have a unit selected, and you give them an order, they'll throw out a line, detailing the unit's personality. Click a unit enough and they'll start getting pissed off at you and will begin saying different lines. Some examples are Marauders (Ground infantry who shoots grenades) "Yeah I got all 5 fingers! 3 on this hand and 2 on the other!" and Battlecruisers (Giant Terran ships) "Let's go this way really really fast. If anything gets in our way, shoot it". The voice-acting in the cut-scenes is also very well done, and I'm pretty sure they got the voice-actors for the main characters to reprise their roles from SC1.

Graphics- 9/10: This game is beautiful. Every unit is incredibly detailed. For example, the Marine, the basic Terran ground infantry, is equipped with only a machine gun. However, if you research the Shield upgrade, all the Marine models will have a shield added to the models. The only reason this game doesn't get a perfect 10 is because it is very graphics card demanding. I had to turn the graphics down, and while everything still looks beautiful, I get pixelized shadows in cut-scenes.

Control- 10/10. I'm not really sure how to explain this. You use the mouse to select units, and you can use either the keyboard or the mouse to issue commands to them. One addition from SC1 to SC2 is that you can tell your workers to construct multiple buildings in an row, so once they finish one building, they'll move immediately onto the next one. One little difference they made is that they changed some hotkeys, which takes a little getting used to.

Extras- 8/10: The only extras in this game really are portraits that you can unlock for your in-game character icon. There are also achievements that you can unlock for meeting certain requirements.

Overall- 9/10: I love this game. Maybe it's because I've been a SC fan for almost my whole life. IDK. But if you're a RTS fan, then you've probably already picked this game up. It costs about $60, but what I love is that you can get a digital download. No CDs. If you have to reinstall it, then all you have to do is log-in to your account and redownload it.
My bad, Star Craft 1. I was typing that in a hurry. I haven't played SC 2 in a few weeks though; too much school crud.