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Site Issue Strange PC Number


Hi, sorry I keep finding things!!!!

I just noticed that on the main site, it says I have over 300 PCs, which seems really strange. Is it displaying my post count? I definitely don't have THAT MANY PCs stored, I promise!
I just checked myself, and it's looks like you hit the nail on the head. I'll see what I can do to fix the issue Xenforo doesn't count PCs the same way vBulletin, our old software, counts PMs.

Linkman, just to update you, the issue will be fixed in our next site update. In the meantime, it does still function properly so far as telling you how many unread conversations you have. Is that OK? I can move up the switch if need be.
That's fine, I really don't mind, just thought I'd report it because I wasn't sure what was wrong :).