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Student Arrested and Tasered While Asking Question


Conspiracy Theorist

The student asked John Kerry why he did not move to impeach Bush after the controversial election supposedly suppressed about 5 million votes and was arrested and tasered on the scene. Police did not answer after he asked what he was being arrested for. This was a while ago but I just found out about it so I will assume that none of you have heard of it either since you all live with your heads in your asses.

So what do you think?
Well, I think most people had heard about this before, but only because of the part where he says "Don't taser me, bro".

As for what I think of it: They were probably under the command of some Bush supporting ***, to be honest. They had no right to arrest him. In fact, they were violating his freedom of speech when they did. Granted, they were able to haul him to the station because he was "resisting arrest", but the intial charges weren't sound, and in fact never stated.
Well, I think most people had heard about this before, but only because of the part where he says "Don't taser me, bro".

As for what I think of it: They were probably under the command of some Bush supporting ***, to be honest. They had no right to arrest him. In fact, they were violating his freedom of speech when they did. Granted, they were able to haul him to the station because he was "resisting arrest", but the intial charges weren't sound, and in fact never stated.

Wow that's incredibly old. I personally don't think it really matters anymore