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Summer Reading

i am a teddy

KK People. I need suggestions for series or trilogies or just plain and simple books for summer reading. i am procrastinationg the Iliad for as long as I can but I will have to read it sometime... Anyway, I like to read a lot. Soooooo, I need some suggestions because I am at a blank right now. I may have read ur suggestions but Thank you anyway! I have a list for you all too.

Summer Reading:

  • Pendragon: A journal Through Time and Space
Comment: Amazing! Better than Harry Potter!

  • Keys to the Kingdom
Comment: Satisfying for fantasy readers such as myslef!

  • His Dark Materials
Comment: OMG! It is awesome! It is definetly one of my favorites books of all time! Fantasy readers beware! Your in for a wild ride!

  • The Bartimaeus Trilogy
Amazing. Stunning! An awesome fantasy example. Suspense incarnate.

Ok. That was only a few series/trilogies but they will last you a good long time. Remember to give suggestion please! Have an awesome summers!
The Robot Chronicals by Isaac Asimov

The Caves of Steel
comment: The story of a robot racist planet known as Earth in the far future and a police detective , Elijah Bailey, forced to work with a robot detective, R. Daneel Olivaw.

The Naked Sun

comment: Not as good a the first; infact, not very good at all. Elijah Bailey is sent to Solaria, a distant "spacer" planet. Bailey is back in work Daneel on a new mystery: The murder of a prominent man. The only suspect: his wife who loved him so much, she stayed as far away as possible from him.

The Robots Of Dawn

comment: This one is my favorite, followed by The Caves Of Steel. In this one, Bailey is sent to Aurora to descover the the murderer of a humaniform robot. I can't really explain this one, but let me tell you, its good.
I happened to like these very much. If you like mysteries, check this out. Acually just check it out. I didn't like mysteries either.

[EDIT] Might want to check out the Foundation seiries also by Asimov. I've just started it.
Hmmm.........if you like fantasys..........you might like this trilogy series:



Inkdeath ( i dont think has come out yet)

Nice plot. Complex Characters. Awesome magic. I like this series.
That's wat I was going to put next! So the third books called Inkdeath, eh? I hate wating for books to come out... I want now!!
Hm..........Pirates............i wouldnt want to be them.......judging by all of the pirate books and movies out there, Pirates are pretty unlucky. For Example

They have wooden legs.
They have eye patches.
There beards tend to catch fire.
They have horrible teeth (lol)
They tend to be eaten by sharks when the crew mutinys or whatever and throws them overboard.


ive never heard of those books