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Surprise Channel!


Sage in Training
If any of you havent gotten to your wiis yet you must get there ASAP! Today the Everybody Votes Channel was "surprised released" today... what it is is a channel that you can vote on commonly asked questions... kinda like...

who would win in a fight... a ninja or a pirate?

well my router isnt working now so i cant perform an update sao one of yuou guys should so you can tell us about it :D
Dog, mountain, 22nd, and didn't vote for the valentines day thing. I don't believe in valentines, soo...
i just realized i voted for roses ^_^

im obsessed with history which is why i would like to find out what it is like during the 1800s :)
All I know is that there was war all over the world, and that children were abused mercilessly. I would rather live in the future, to see how much worse the earth has gotten...
I submitted a Link v.s. Mario one, and when I get a chance, plan on submitting a Ocarina of Time vs Twilight Princess one.
yah... it think so too... but good ideas ^_^


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-_-.... pirate and ninja was better...-_-
My question:
Who would win a barfight, Chuck Norris or Harry Potter?

I can't answer this myself, Chuck Norris can kick *** but Harry Potter says one little thing and waves his magical wand and next thing you know Norris is a flaming piece of crap.