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Temple of Time


Okay guys, i'm really close to the end. i'm on my way down the steps of the temple with the statue in hand. and i locked my self in the 5th floor. i didn't smash my way through the area and i already sent the statue down. please tell me i don't have to redo everything.

nevermind guys, i figured out what to do. i saved, stopped playing, went back to the file and i started off at the front door with all the progress that i had made so now i'm ready to continue through the temple.
Just re-enter the room and the statue will reset to the last bell it came out of. You don't need to repeat the Temple of Time for messing up any portion of the statue puzzle up :).

Edit: Glad to see you solved that ;).
so where i've found how to get the frog lure it says that i have to beat 8 levels of Rollgoal. does that i mean that i have to beat level 1-8, or 8-?