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The House of the Dead: Overkill

Capt. Zeroth


HD Trailer


MmmmmmMMM! Good old zombie shoot 'em up action! I'll tell 'ya, I'm pretty excited for this.

Coming up in 2009, SEGA takes The House of the Dead back to the beginning of the saga, on an early assignment of Agent G, one of the first characters from the arcade original. Apparently, the action in the trailer is just about accurate to actual gameplay. Overkill takes on a Grindhouse feel with dust and scratches on the gameplay screen. Overkill employes all sorts of lighting and filters to achieve that 60's cheese horror movie effect.

Overall, it has the same good zombie blasting guts (point, shoot, reload) but with a fresh new look and feel. Release date is unkown, 2009.
I remember how I used to be so afraid of going near the arcade machine whenever I saw one. But that trailer made me laugh more than anything else. The game looks decent from the trailer, but I still have no idea why the hell there are zombies everywhere to begin with...