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The Rubix Cube Virus

Can you solve a rubix cube?

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i am a teddy

I'm obsessed with Rubix Cubes.. I can only solve a 3x3 but it's fine with me..

I'm just wondering, who can solve a rubix cube too?
... I hate Rubix Cubes. Anyone who holds one looks like a genius, however the secret to solving them lies in...
Memorizing a series of algorithms; Remembering which way to turn once you get it into a simple pattern.

Rubix cubes are not fun, not cool, not anything. They are a good waste of time.

Guess what: http://www.rubikssolver.com/
That link was not to an automatic solver. It was to a beginner's guide.

I give props to the man who thought up the first algorithms. The rest of you are mooching off of the immense amount of time spent actually thinking that this guy did.

If you say all others just waste good time solving the Cube, does this mean you waste your time too? If you can solve it however, you are being hypocrytical -.-
I can solve one if I please. However, I do not wish to. I once though cubes were a symbol of brain power... That is until I learned the secret of algorithms.
That link was not to an automatic solver. It was to a beginner's guide.

I give props to the man who thought up the first algorithms. The rest of you are mooching off of the immense amount of time spent actually thinking that this guy did.

Unless you give the effort to learn the adaptive algorithms that allow for any cube to be solved in 16-25 steps. Much much harder, and it actually requires some thought. Unfortunately, I'm not one of the lucky few who can use them... YET!
I just don't have the desire or motivation to do so. My brain is better applied to other things such as making this website....or studying for finals :D.
when i was little i wasted so much time on my rubix cube. i had so much passion, and then it stole my heart... thats about when i saw the light of hippiness. now i dont have the attenrion span to solve a rubix cube, and that stupid algorythms makes no sense.