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Review The Sims 3


Co-Webmaster, Co-Conspirator
For some reason, I was under the impression that a review had already been written. Obviously, this is not the case, so I'll do it! :)

The Sims 3 is the first in the core series to not be developed by Maxis and rather than this being a negative, the series has a few positive changes. In previous games, you mainly juggled around the needs of the sim, such as feeding them and making sure they didn't wet themselves. The tedious task of filling all of their needs and sending them to work left little time to build relationships (without cheating ;)) as sims were often cranky...all the time. However, in the Sims 3, these needs are less prominent. The need bars drain slower and fill up quicker than in previous games. This makes gameplay less of a hassle and more fun as you have time to tend to to friendships and promotions.

A new feature in the Sims 3 is the 'moodlets'. Random events that add plusses or minuses to your mood. If your sim's mood is boosted, great! If the moodlet is negative, you are given feedback on how to alleviate the negatives affecting your sim so you can fix it and raise their mood. The addition of moodlets is also a positive plus to the Sims, as it makes it easier to manage moods.

Gameplay: 8/10
Gameplay gets 8/10 because if you're like me and playing on a laptop, using a trackpad is horrible. I reccomend a mouse. If you're using a mouse, you shouldn't have any problems. The towns are seemless, so no loading times when traveling!

Story: 10/10
You make your own story, so what you say goes! If you're the kind of person who wonders things like this, this installment of the Sims takes place 25 years before the original.

Sound: 7/10
The score is pleasent, but repetetive.

Replay Value: 9/10
The game is great to play over and over again, but it can get boring after awhile. Take a few days off however, and you'll want to play again.

Graphics: 9/10
The Sims never looked so good!

Overall: 8.6/10
The Sims 3 is an overall great game, but if you didn't like the previous Sim games you probably won't like this one.