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This is great!

O.M.G.....................so.funny. I liked the LoZ part, where the guy just ran up to the ppl and killed them. ^.^
... HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! In a good way. I hum the music from Mario all the time. I even have the ORIGINAL Super Mario 64 Soundtrack Japan on my iPod!
lol they did do a pretty good job lol

we watched this at school last year as entertainment for our end of school party in my science class :D
I can't figure out all where some of the music is from........-_-
can someone help me lol
There was also Tetris, duh. My favorite was when someone screamed "MORTAL KOMBAT!" And by the way, Mortal Kombat is "Kombat" with a "K"
There's also the theme of star/invincible from Mario in there. I love this movie, I first saw it over the summer at a computer camp of total awsomeness.
lol we watched during an end of school party in eight grade *my previous school grade lol* and i remember it cuz only me and two others knew where the Zelda theme was from *zelda duh XD* and had to explain the game to the people in class.
Only three people knew what Zelda was? Yours is a poor, poor place. I will try to have mercy on your people when I conquor the world.

i called them all idiots....
dj=''how can u idiots not know what zelda is''
class and teacher = o_o

and then two of my 'good friends' called zelda stupid and they have never played it........to make matters worse they have oot :eek:

but that was a very good performance lol

the guy doing the underground theme for mario sounded like he was having a hard time reaching the lowest notes lol
My personal favorite has to be the Tetris theme. I know how to play some of it on my clarinet, but they did it really well. The Zelda part was also really good.
................I have a 9-year old sister at my Dad's, and all she ever does is tell me how stupid LoZ and Naruto are, when she knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! about either of them....she irritates me greatly, but anyways, I loved the movie, sorry I forgot to add Tetris to the list of games included in this, and I love LoZ, and can't wait to spend hours on end playing TP when I get a Wii
I can play the song of time on my french horn lol
and part of Zelda's theme.

i like the mortal kombat sceene on there lol ^_^
heh, the opposite for me. The inverse song of time and song of double time are simple, but the conventional song of time is a little tricky to figure out. I did manage to decipher both Zelda's Lulaby and Zelda's Theme, also known as Zelda's Lulaby (extended).
i can play the entire extended melody *not the counter melody or back up parts* on the piano lol
The double and inverse aren't actually double and inverse after the first six notes. Inverse is just a downward chromatic scale, and double repeats itself moving up a half step each time.