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Review Trauma Center: Second Opinion

Lol, when I first started playing the game I didnt know how to use tools and that turned out to be a bit of a problem ;)
I had the DS, so I knew each tool, how to use them, and what they were for. The few new tools came naturally, and the only thing I needed was to use the first 2 - 3 missions to get used to their locations with the nunchuck. But, if you haven't played the DS, or even if you have, there is a medium - large learning curve, especially since you're also learning how to use the Wiimote to play this game, which has innovative and original everything pretty much, which also adds to the learning curve. But once you learn how to play, it is easy and fun, but more fun than easy :D
Finding all of the tools is sometimes a pain, but it is better than what the DS had to put us through.
The DS, was easier to switch tools with, until you've memorized all of the Wii's positions. The tools overall are a lot better than the DS, such as the auto-sucking drain, and the stitches are a lot easier to use as well.
Yah, I could imagine having a little more control in the ds version... in the wii version i can never make the incision with out screwing up... lol :)
Yeah, the first time it took me 4 tries to get the incision, and 7 tries to get the bandage on right. That's the glory of the learning curve....lol
Well, tools are easier to get on the DS, but you have to stop whatever your doing in order to switch from one tool to the next.
Yup, you need to take the time to tap the icon in order to switch tools, so if you need to switch tools, when your patient is a bout to die, you lose. But thank god the wii handles that with their nunchuck.:)