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True Evil

How much do you hate Hillary Clinton?


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  • What are you talking about?!? I'm DEFINATELY voting for her!!!

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I think Obama won't be that hard to get past for Hillary because this nation has become so racist against muslims. Look at some tv shows (like 24). All the terrorists are "muslim".

Well, I'm here to clear that up. I am a muslim and I want you all to know that, according to our beleifs, if you intentionally harm someone (there are exceptions like self-defense, but not to "get into heaven") you are not trully muslim.

Obama should have a better chance against Hillary but the nation's racism has screwed things up for him.
I have nothing against muslims. The terrorists, are radical people who despise western society so much, they try to scare it into hiding, or suicide. Thus the name: 'terrorists'. These certain people, no matter their religion, believes americans are evil, and that if they kill americans, they shall reach heaven. The people responsible for spewing this propaganda are the people who are afraid of our society influencing theirs. They brainwash people of any religion who are willing to fight and die for them, against america. They have succeeded in scaring america. Americans associate terrorists with 'arabian looking people', which they associate with muslim, and thusly, there is grossly unfair predjudice towards them. I am a christian, yet I have friends of different religions. Jewish, prodistant, others too. This predjudice through fear. This is TRUE EVIL, a lot more evil than Hillary Clinton. Obama looks like a great person, but depending on how the people vote, with their minds, or with the false truths they hold onto, depend on whether he will have a chance or not.

I am sorry for this rant, I just wanted to make a point.
Meh, religion has no buisness with Terrorism. Terrorist could be anyone, from the owner of Cookie Mart, to your next door neighboor.
well then, great minds think alike. I hate the racism that some people show, and think that it is utterly pointless.
Well, I heard that she wants her 'hubbie' to run as VP! That is unconstitutional, as if she is rendered unable to perform her job, he becomes Prez and gets another Term!
Where'd ya here that? He wouldn't even want to run! And it's not unconstitutional, merely illegal.
Power corrupts since she was already in the white house she wants that power again
"With great power comes great responsibility" -Ben Parker (Spider Man). That power has a price so high as to be undesireable.
It would be illegal, but I think he would know better than to run again in any position, considering he WAS president before. That power is only deriable by those who think they can wield it, whether for the greater good or not, whether they actually can control that power or not.
Yeah, which is why I wouldn't vote for Hilary Clinton, as she doesn't always seem to be responsible with her power, as Spidey is.

Wow, this is my 1000 post. w00t for me.
Sorry for the offtopicness but i must congratulate you :) I remember when you were just a little shrub!

Sorry for the offtopicness but i must congratulate you :) I remember when you were just a little shrub!

And you were just a little Moblin. Now, 1000 post later, we are still neck-and-neck. Anyway, I am thinking that after Dubya's idea to not bring back troops, Republicans have 0 chance of winning the next election.