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Unanimous ruling: Iowa marriage no longer limited to one man, one woman


"The Iowa Supreme Court issued a unanimous ruling Friday finding that the state's same-sex marriage ban violates the constitutional rights of gay and lesbian couples, making Iowa the third state where marriage is legal. "

Iowa’s probably not the first state you think of when you think progressive, but I have to say I’m tremendously impressed and pleased by this ruling. There’s always the possibility that Republicans will retaliate by attempting to pass an amendment in the state’s constitution, but that will be significantly harder in Iowa than it was in California.

In Iowa, in order to amend the state constitution, it first has to be passed in two consecutive general assemblies. This means that the amendment has to pass both the state house and senate in two legislative sessions, with each legislative session lasting two years. There are currently Democratic majorities in the house and senate, of 56-44 and 32-18 respectively. If the amendment makes it this far, it then has to be passed on the ballot for the popular vote. By this point, gay marriage will have been legal for at least three years, and the general population will be able to notice that the sky, has in fact, not fallen. This will make it much harder for conservatives to capitalize on reactionary fear mongering like they did in California. Even in a worst case scenario, assuming a Republican victory as soon as physically possible, the gay population of Iowa will be treated as equal citizens up until November 2012. What’s even better is that Iowa has no residency requirement for marriage; people from other states can go to Iowa to get married.

The full transcript of the ruling can be read here, and I recommend doing so, as the ruling outlines and soundly refutes the arguments against gay marriage.

This victory for human rights is another step in the right direction for our nation, and I’m very glad to see it.
Agreed, and I'm still shocked at the whole California thing, I mean half of California is gay.

And now Iowa is allowing gay marriage? Iowa? I'm taken aback.

From the name of this thread, I thought they legalized polygamy.