• Welcome to the Zelda Sages Forums!

    The Zelda Sages Community Forums are a fun and easy way to interact with Zelda fans from around the globe. Our members also have access to exclusive members' only content. Register and/or log in now! Please note that user registration is currently disabled. If you would like to register please contact us.

Upgraded Forum


The Webmaster
Hey guys and gals,
I just finished upgrading the forum to VB 3.8.6. This should fix a number of problems everyone has been having, including the random logout error. If you experience any problems, however, please report them in the technical support area.

As a small add-in, we are still hard at work developing the new Zelda Sages. We're trying our best to make the best new design we can to bring ZS up to the more modern standards. Additionally, we will be rolling out a lot of new functionality for you guys. As such, it takes A LOT of work, but it will be worth the wait ;).