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Uploading pictures

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Conspiracy Theorist
I can't upload any pictures anymore. I tried PNG and JPEG and they meet the file size requirements but I get an error saying "invalid file". And while we're at it, we should be allowed more pictures since no one's using the space but me anyway.
Oh wow...what fun. I just did a diagnostic myself (it will show me the real error) and apparently there's something wrong with our server...isn't that just lovely. I'll contact our host about fixing the file causing the problem.
I'm also having a little trouble uploading a new avatar. Every time I try, I get "Invalid File." Are these connected?
Hmm, they may be connected if this is the case. I'll change the report to mention this. If I don't get any useful responses I'll contact Jelsoft support for a bit of aid.


OK, I believe I fixed the problem (I was able to upload again). Does everything work for you guys now?
Yes! It does. Now everyone go check out that last picture I added to Cyanide and Happiness 2.
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